Education is the Key
This is the true heart of Start Small and our driving force. We are unique with our programme as we take our children from primary education through to tertiary education, offering guidance and support into the workforce.
Sponsorship includes school fees, transportation to and from school, school supplies, textbooks, uniforms, school trips and emergency medical treatment. Beyond monetary support, our staff work around the clock to be available to our children and their families doing our part to encourage healthy, nurturing environments.
We also work closely with the schools our children attend so that we can monitor their attendance and academic progress. Similarly, we have built relationships with teachers in each school and receive personal progress reports on each child.
If you choose to take the opportunity to sponsor a child and change a life, we will be with you every step of the way to keep you updated, involved and to answer any questions you might have. Once you have joined our little family we keep you updated through our Facebook page and send you annual updates including photos and school reports.
It costs £30 a month to sponsor a child through Start Small, you can pay monthly or annually and either direct to our UK bank account or for international donors we recommend you use PayPal or JustGiving.
How to help: please email at: [email protected] message us on Facebook or on Instagram
“I truly believe the only way to break the poverty cycle these children have sadly been born into is through education and by sponsoring a child through Start Small we can break this cycle once and for all, together.”
— Cindy Cooper (Founder and Director of Start Small)