The Feed a Family at Christmas campaign strives to provide 100 needy families around Nakuru, Kenya with a food hamper at Christmas. We want to spread the love and joy of the holidays as far as possible by putting together hampers with some staple foods, necessities, and a few extra treats for them to enjoy. One hamper will provide an average family of six with an amazing Christmas dinner and supplies that will last well through the holiday season.This is one of our favorite events of the year and it truly means so much to all of us. For just £15 you can help give an amazing Christmas to a family in need.

Water Filter Project
We believe everyone deserves access to the basic human needs of food, water, and shelter. Uzima water filters work to filter over 99.99% of the bacteria that cause waterborne diseases. It is easily maintained by back flushing with clean water and requires no electricity, consumables to buy, and no parts to replace. This water filter could be life-changing for the families we work with. Most families residing in urban slums like Rhonda do not have access to clean drinking water and have to risk drinking the available water. This creates the risk of many waterborne illnesses like cholera, typhoid, amoebas, and more. These diseases are fatal if untreated and many families cannot afford to treat them. Read more about Uzima water filters here
One water filter costs about 30 USD and we would like to purchase them for each of our families which is about 60 families currently.
We hope to be able to provide these to all families and the larger community throughout the coming year and are hoping to raise 1,800 USD for this project.

Start Small Van
WE DID IT!!!! Thank you everyone who helped us raise the funds to buy our very own van. Our children are so happy and we are so grateful!
Follow the just giving link below to read more about this project.